I received this recipe from a friend of mine and have used this for years. My family requests this one often. It's a light meal that everyone will enjoy....
An easy weeknight dinner, this quick chicken stir-fry with pineapple is as delicious as it is colorful! Serve with rice for a complete meal, or fried rice...
Grilled steak and chicken that doesn't dry out on the grill, but stays moist and flavorful. These kabobs are simple to make, and delicious to eat. Skewered...
Make this quick and easy BBQ chicken breast in the oven for those times when you want a good meal but don't feel like fussing. Nuke a few potatoes for...
Chicken breasts, broccoli, and mushrooms are smothered in a creamy Mornay sauce and topped with a blanket of cheesy breadcrumbs in this classic Chicken...
Honey chicken kabobs with veggies. You can marinate overnight and make these kabobs for an outdoor barbecue as a tasty alternative to the usual barbecue...
This is an incredibly easy recipe - and delicious! Just mix it up before going to work, then pop it in the oven when you get home in the evening. The sauce...
Chicken breasts bathed in a delicate mustard tarragon sauce. A quick and simple recipe that you can serve on a weeknight but tastes like a French chef...
I grew up on this recipe, my Grandmother got it from a lady from church at a pot luck a long time ago! She passed it down to my mom and it's always been...
This is one of the best ways that I have ever prepared chicken. This recipe has been requested many times after I have served it. Serve chicken over hot...
Seasoned, browned chicken breasts slow cooked with lemon juice, garlic, and chicken bouillon. A wonderful 'fix and forget' recipe that is easy and pleases...
One of my favorite recipes! The combination of paprika and mustard powder really offsets the sweetness of the orange juice. I tend to eyeball when cooking,...
Boneless chicken breasts marinated in herbs, garlic, oil and vinegar and broiled or grilled to perfection. This recipe is from The WEBB Cooks, articles...
This recipe is so easy to make. Just cover with foil and bake! This is really nice to make before going to church or even put in a slow cooker before work....
This is a simple, quick and delicious dish. All you need are a few spices and, of course, the chicken! The amount of spices are completely up to you. You...
My husband and 4-year-old son love this recipe. We have it for dinner at least twice a month. This dish is great over orzo pasta with steamed broccoli...
The sharp, briny bite of olives is the dominant flavors here, which is why it pairs so well with chicken breast. This is one of those dishes where, if...
This dish is a snap to prepare but always hits the spot at my house. The creamy sauce with a hint of lemon keeps the chicken moist and delicious. Serve...